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Welcome to the Morro Bay FFA Chapter

Morro Bay FFA is part of the  South Coast Region Association of the California Agricultural Education.


FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadershippersonal growth and career success through agricultural education.


To join Morro Bay FFA, you must be enrolled in an agriculture course at MBHS. Contact your school counselor or agriculture teacher, Ms. Peggy Flynn.


Visit our MBHS CTE website to learn more about the MBHS Career, Technical & Education (CTE) Pathway in Agricultural & Natural Resources.

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Wood frame living well with succulents hanging on wall.  MBHS FFA


Fun, Simple SAE Project Ideas!

What is an SAE?  

When asked what he knows about SAE projects, one student stated, “I don’t know anything. What’s an SAE?” This is a common question asked by, not only first year FFA students, but students in every grade. An SAE, or supervised agricultural experience, is a project that every FFA student must complete each semester working at least 15 hours on their project. But what can you do for an SAE? Below are 5 fun and easy SAE projects that any student can do!

1. Grow a Garden

One of the most simple SAE projects that anyone can complete is growing a garden! All you need is soil, seeds, and a shovel to get started. All you need is a pot, planter, or even a corner of your yard. After planting the seeds, make sure to water and look after the garden whenever it is needed to get hours for the project! Click the link above to get ideas!

2. Making a Living Wall 

Want to spice up your walls? A living wall would be the perfect addition! For this simple project, grab a bunch of your favorite plants, soil, and something to put them in (a picture frame). Not only do living walls have decorative benefits, but they can also reduce stress, reduce noise, and make great gifts! 

3. At-Home Experiments - making soapice creamcheese

If you are interested in science there are many different at-home experiments that are easy to complete. Some easy, ag-related experiments include making soap, ice cream, or cheese! After, write a quick scientific report explaining the process and its relation to the ag industry. Record both the time it took to do the experiment as well as the time it took to write the report!

4. Repurpose Something Old

Is there an old tire, shoe, or piece of wood hanging around your house? Turn it into something new! This is a great way to help the environment while also making something decorative for your house! Create a planter with the tire or boot, shelves out of old wood, or tin can lanterns- the options are endless! 

5. Create a School Lesson 

For those of you who are interested in teaching, this would be the perfect project for you! Create an agriculture related lesson to present to an elementary, middle, or high school class. Teach a first grader where their milk is from, a middle schooler where their hamburger is from, or teach a high schooler about soil science. You can even add a game for an aspect of fun! Not only will you get hours for creating the lesson itself, but also for the time teaching the lesson.

3 candles in the can centerpiece with marigolds.  MBHS FFA
